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A member registered Apr 11, 2020

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Going by the Constitution, there's no requirement that the master be human, only that ownership may only be transfered to someone born of human parents.  The Master could probably test whether or not Oscar's dad was human by attempting to pass the hotel to him.

The Labyrinth's constitution says "Through their ichor each god is allowed to leave a living legacy in the realm.", and Nemesis herself says 17 gods were involved in the constitution's creation: The 12 Olympians, Hestia, Hades, Nemesis and her sisters.  

Presumably the 6 of the 7 beasts are the legacies of Zeus/Athena/Demeter/Ares/Artemis/Apollo (Hermes said The Effigy was a weird one, and Nikos describes it as being forged by the gods rather than just one, so I'm not sure where this one falls) , while the wine/basin/mirror/parting gift/Asphodel meadow are the legacies of Dionysus/Hermes/Hestia/Poseidon/Hades.  

Which leaves Hera/Hephaestus/Aphrodite/Nemesis&co unaccounted for.  

Hephaestus would make sense for the Effigy I suppose Aphrodite would as well but eh , although we don't have his opinion on the labyrinth's creation so it's hard to say if he actually would, or why.

I'm inclined to think Nemesis' fragment (probably along w/ her sisters) serve(s) as the Labyrinths mind(s)

(Sidenote, but I'm betting the mystery tab in the files is for the godly fragments)

In the original 4chan interactive, there was:

  1.  a scene where the master has Asterion make his balls bigger
  2.  a scene where the master has Asterion turn his dick from human to horse-like.

This isn't necessarily relevant to the VN edition, tho I'm personally hoping it's an option here too.

Aaand, it's gone again.  Nevermind.

Seems to work now.

I recently switched over to Firefox and am unable to get into with it.  I have had no issues getting into the wiki with other browsers, including Firefox mobile, but on desktop I get the following error:

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to Peer’s Certificate has been revoked.


    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.

    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Has anyone else had issues, or is this something on my end?

Has anyone found the transcripts for Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, or Hephaestus?  I've replayed the section after they're added to exploration so many times I'm starting to think they aren't in the game yet.